ProPak China 2024 in Shanghai Exhibition (June 19-21)

Please let us know the follow details when you need,so that we can check if this model is suitable for your case.Thanks for the consultation!

●What product?

●Product weight?

●Product size?

●Speed requirement?

●Accuracy requirement?

Rotary Check Weigher for Sprays/Bottles

Rotary Check Weigher, which measures cylindrical products such as spray, glass and plastic bottles, especially aerosol packages, at high speed, can be easily integrated into production lines.

100% Capsule Checkweigher For Pharmaceutical Industries

100% Capsule Checkweigher For Pharmaceutical Industries essentially inspects 100% of capsules for proper filling and rejects any that are outside the acceptable weight range.

High Detection Sensitivity Capsule Metal Detector for Tablets

High Detection Sensitivity Capsule Metal Detector for Tablets can detect solid drugs such as tablets, soft and hard capsules, and pills. Even fine metals embedded in the product can be detected.

SGWEIGH Automatic Digital Checkweigher Conveyor

SGWEIGH Automatic Digital Checkweigher Conveyor is used for inspection and quality control purposes, ensuring that the product is the correct weight before final packaging or shipping.

SGWEIGH Customized Conveyor Metal Detector Machine

Custom metal detectors offer a versatile and effective method of detecting metal objects for a wide range of applications. Metal detectors can be custom built to specific requirements, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.

Metal Detector for Tablet and Capsule in Pharmaceutical Industry

Tablet and Capsule Metal Detector is particularly suitable for tablet presses,capsule filling machines and other equipment to detect magnetic and non-magnetic metal impurities and remove them quickly without interfering with the normal production process and reducing material losses.

Online Weight Checker System for Tablet and Capsule

Online Weight Checker System for Tablet and Capsule basically checks that all capsules are filled correctly and rejects any capsules that are out of weight range.

How to Clean the Pharmaceutical Metal Detector Machine?

In addition to daily cleaning, regular maintenance and upkeep of pharmaceutical metal detection machines should also be carried out, such as replacing worn parts and checking the sensitivity of sensors.

Follow the operation and maintenance instructions provided with the equipment for maintenance and upkeep work.

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